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Philippines to harness Ocean Power

TechBlade reported last year that there was a Filipino marine engineer who was planning to develop and build a power generation plant that is driven by ocean waves. The Philippines as an archipelagic nation is strategically placed to utilize the power of the waves.

Local energy company H&WB Asia Pacific (Pte. Ltd.) Corp has partnered with Sacella SaS, a French company to build such a power generation plant.

Utilizing tidal in-stream conversion technology, the proponents plan to build the power plants in the San Bernardino Straight located between Matnog, Sorsogon and Capul and Dalupiri, Northern Samar. 

It will be the first such ocean powered power generation plant in Southeast Asia it was disclosed.

It hews closely to the Department of Energy’s policy of a balanced power mix which is strategic since there will be a diverse source of power to be used in the country.  This was according to PNOC-Renewables Corporation and that the project is fully endorsed by the government since it is clean and renewable energy. 

The beneficiary of such a power plant will be Capul which is dependent on old diesel generators that frequently breaks down and as such the municipality is subject to brownouts. This has adversely affected economic growth in the area since electricity is a primary requirement for modern economic activity of any area. This is also widely approved by the affected residents since it is environmentally friendly because it does not consume pollution causing fossil fuels.

The use of ocean wave power is a step in having a carbon neutral country and such innovation adds to cost-competitiveness with regards to power rates.

Sabella, te French firm brings with it its marine technology expertise and complements H&WB that develops systems that produce, process and generate power using various energy systems and processes. 

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